Pride and Punishment: The Biblical Lesson
In today’s message, I’ll talk about Pride and Punishment: The Biblical Lesson of pride comes before a fall.
The phrase “pride comes before a fall” is derived from a verse in the book of Proverbs 16:18 which says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” This verse implies that when people becomes proud, they set themselves up for a fall. They are bound to make mistakes and experience setbacks due to their excessive self-importance.
The Bible is replete with examples of the consequences of pride. One notable example is the story of King Saul, who initially started out as a humble and obedient servant of Yahweh, was eventually overcome by pride, leading to his downfall.
Saul was anointed as the first king of Israel but allowed his success to get to his head. He became disobedient, rejected the prophets, and sought to do things his own way, contrary to what was expected of him.
King Saul’s downfall is a classic example of how pride can lead to a person’s downfall. He was so proud of himself that he forgot his calling and his responsibilities to Yahweh and His people. As a result, he lost the respect and support of his followers, and his kingdom was taken away from him. He died on the battlefield, defeated and alone.
Another example of the consequences of pride is the story of a man named Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar was a powerful king who ruled over Babylon. He was so proud of his achievements that he boasted of his power and glory, saying that he had built a great city by his own might and power.
However, Yahweh showed him that all his power came from above. He was humbled and learned to give glory to Elohim.
The story of Nebuchadnezzar teaches us that pride can blind us to the truth. When we become proud, we forget that there is a higher power who gives us all that we have and that our success lies in our obedience to that higher power.
Meanwhile, in recent times, pride, together with the rainbow, has also become a symbol of the LGBTQ community, representing their fight for equality and acceptance. While it is essential to respect people’s rights and beliefs, it is also very important to understand the true origins and real intent of the rainbow and its significance to spirituality.
The rainbow’s association with Elohim can be traced back to the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, where Yahweh sent a flood to wipe out humanity. Noah, a righteous man, was instructed to build an ark and save pairs of every kind of animal and bird. After the flood receded, Yahweh made a covenant with Noah, promising never again to destroy the earth with a flood and placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of that promise.
The rainbow in this context serves not just as a sign of Yahweh’s promise but also as a symbol of Elohim’s mercy and love towards humanity. It is an image that shows that Yahweh, our Elohim, is faithful and trustworthy, and His promises are irrevocable.
It is essential to acknowledge that the LGBTQ community has chosen the rainbow as a symbol of their struggle, and they have the right to do so. However, it is also crucial to respect the rainbow’s spiritual and religious significance and remember that it has been a symbol of hope, mercy, and love for centuries before it became a representation of pride and acceptance for the LGBTQ.
In conclusion, the Bible warns us of the dangers of pride and arrogance through the “pride comes before a fall” proverb. These cautionary tales illustrate that when we become proud, self-centered, and morally corrupt, we commit sin and set ourselves up for a fall.
We should learn from the examples of Saul and Nebuchadnezzar and strive to remain humble and obedient to Elohim. True success comes from acknowledging the Source of all our blessings, and our true pride should be in Almighty Yahweh who sustains us.
Before I go, let me pray this prayer with you: May Yahweh bless you and keep you; may Yahweh make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. I pray all these things to Yahweh in the name of Yahshua the Messiah, our Master and King, amen. Halleluyah, shalom!
In my opinion, there is a big difference between being proud of something you have achieved or overcome, and being arrogant. Personally I perceive the rainbow as a symbol of diversity.
Great explanation of what the rainbow is a symbol for.
Pride definitely can lead to issues in your life, both spiritually and otherwise. We have to find a balance between having pride in something and become prideful to a fault.
Hope, mercy, and love I love that!